

Maniac Favorite Skin Care Products

There are an increasing number of Organic and natural beauty products on the market. Sifting through all of the available options is an involved (and fun) endeavor. How effective are the products? Are they truly Organic? How honest is the maker? The ultimate realization is that skin care products are grossly under-regulated and many mislead consumers. [...]

Skin Deep Database

The Environmental Working Group ( Skin Deep database - a tool you cannot live without! Unfortunately, there are no regulatory requirements for pre-market health studies or testing of chemicals in personal care products. EWG Skin Deep is the only site I found that researches ingredients for health hazards and provides safety ratings. I use this database [...]

Love Your Liver

The liver is the only one of our five vital organs (brain, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs) that can self repair. It is the 2nd largest organ of the body (after skin). The liver's main job is to filter blood for the body. And very importantly, the liver detoxifies and metabolizes everything we put into our [...]